Friday, January 23, 2009

Momentous testing!

From my iPhone ...?


  1. Does an iPhone get a name or is it only larger computers that get named?

  2. Liam, wow, that was quick!

    It's an excellent question. I will give it serious thought.

  3. Liam: possibly iPhred, after the Viet Cong terrorist in Doonesbury in the 1970s, and like him a small, efficient, black-clad multi-tasker.

    However, I'm not yet fully convinced it's a boy.

  4. Success! Now, if only I didn't have to damn well register my car (and get a v. expensive because long-overdue service from Michael, God of Mechanics) I'd have an iPhone by now!

  5. iPhred


    Although, having seen others use their iPhones I'd want to name an anthropomorphised one after someone I disliked, and then relish the user experience---which is, after all, not much more than repeated poking in the face.

  6. Welcome to the cult, I mean, club. Muaha haha hahah haaaa

  7. I sat in on a inter-sectional shindig last week and chat turned to things webby. They were all wondering what "Twitty" was... the technology gap widens just a bit more. At least we're not advising Conroy...

  8. Oh dear. Well, Twitty [sic] is a closed book to me too, and pour moi the next few weeks of tech discovery are going to be taken up with scrambling through iPhones for Dummies.*

    *True story, not a metaphor

  9. a purchase you won't regret - welcome aboard :)

  10. You too have succumbed. BWAHAHAHAHA!

    (Welcome to the gadget club).

  11. Listen to all those enablers.

    How 'bout IPaid?

    /bitter jealously

  12. iPaying, more like, and iPhrustrated. iPhrickenstupidgadget. Don't be too jealous, Z. As with any computeristical new toy, there are hair-tearing half-hours. It's not all Brandy Alexanders and kittens, nor is it yet paid for. And I really really hate contracts, it's just that the prepaid Optus option makes even less financial sense.

  13. Oh fun!

    I LOVE my Touch (iPhone sans phone or camera) and now cannot imagine life without it. However, it costs me nothing to run (I just use random wireless connections around me)...

    Still jealous though.

  14. Yay! I hope you have read though all the handy tips I was given...

    The best things for me were getting the BlogPress application (so I can write my posts and then upload them, thus using less internet time) and learning that I could turn off the stupid preference that allows the phone to satellite track me whenever I take a photo (Location Services in your General Settings). That saves a *lot* of data!


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