Dear Malcolm,
With all your faults you are still far too good for them, and I am really enjoying the spectacle of you toughing it out to the bitter end. Like the musicians who played 'Nearer, My God, to Thee' on the Titanic as it sank, you are a heartening spectacle and an example to us all.
I use the Titanic analogy advisedly, in the knowledge that your water-wings are of the finest, and that icebergs -- for reasons that everyone except Nick Minchin knows -- are not what they used to be.
Lots of love,
Pav xxx
Those masters of deflection, distraction and denial, prattling Polonius and
Dame Slap, get to work on King Donald I ...
Seems like everybody's doing it these days ...
It's pretty weird when *even France's far right run for cover* ...
*The French far-right leader Jo...
1 hour ago
I have had to completely revise my opinion of him now. Grudging respect is rapidly turning into barracking for the under dog. I hope he smacks them in the kisser tomorrow then sends them all to the back bench, or private industry where they belong.
Heh. And this, your post, was before the press conference in which he said he had Hockey's support ...
Is your enjoyment at all qualified by the "please leave Lucy and I alone"?
Oh dear yes, the old 'Please leave I alone', by Malcolm "Lorelei Lee" Turnbull. I did squirm just a tad.
Double heh. I'm so enjoying all of this.
(WV: inglings, which appeals)
Shades of Mark Latham. Wonder whether TB's going to go all the way, quit in a fit of pique, and write some tell-all memoirs though?
Different set of problems altogether from Latham, I reckon. Turnbull appears not to be a sexist porker disliked by many women (voters) from his own side, for a start.
If by 'quit in a fit of pique' you mean that he will decide that he wants nothing more to do with the likes of "Old" Nick Minchin, Tony "Have Those Babies" Abbott or Joe "I Just Do What I'm Told, Including Turn on a Sixpence" Hockey, then I think you are setting the bar for tolerance much too high.
What intrigues me is that Turnbull re-reads THE LORD OF THE RINGS every year. And, does he see analogies with his foes? Minchin as Saruman? Hockey as Sam? Abbott as Gollum (my preciousssss)? And does he consider himself Aragorn or glam Legolas?
Lucy Sussex
Oh, Aragorn. For defnit.
My jaw is beginning to ache as my mouth keeps dropping open in yet another moment of "?!!!"
Will happily confess to innumerable moments of gleeful airpunching moments at Turnbull's chutzpah.
And I can't agree Mindy with sending Minchin to private industry - he is and has always been too poisonous for those in commerce.
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