And this is what he has to say.
Observe the precision of his judgement, and the exquisite subtlety of his timing.
Bird flu, egg prices, and what urgently needs doing
I was intrigued by this item from WattPoultry: Blame for high US egg prices
is now a political pinataThe lack of understanding of basic economics is
1 hour ago
A practicing Christian no less.
Much, much more practice required.
Surely he can fund the fight against the flood levy by cutting fat from other Liberal Party programmes.
I saw this about ten or fifteen minutes ago, and I actually did have to read it twice, because it seemed so very ridiculous I thought I must have missed something. Does he not have any advisors?
This is the real Abbott we are seeing here. Dishonest, duplicitous, selfish, opportunistic and greedy. A splendid representative of his party in every respect.
Good old People Skills strikes again!
A woman had a letter in our local newspaper, suggesting that the Qld floods etc happened because we had elected a woman prime minister.
I'm waiting for Tones to capitalise on that sentiment.
Well, we had some sort of Christian fundamentalist in the 1970s saying there was going to be a tidal wave at Glenelg Beach because Don Dunstan's government had decriminalised homosexual acts between consenting adults in private. Dunstan had to go down to the jetty with a megaphone and a bottle of champagne to calm the populace. And there were a lot of simple believers who got sucked in, too.
I'd like a mandatory rule imposed that when the Opposition opposes, they can't just make a broad sweeping statement, but must have a solid alternative to propose. No solidity, no opposition.
So what budget cuts? To the pension system and school funding? To the baby bonus?
Details, Abbott, then we can choose whether to take you seriously or not.
WV= inting, which is hinting at a solution that might not be possible.
My cynical husband thinks the specific form the flood levy scheme is taking is entirely calculated to bring out the full glory of this aspect of Abbott's personality, and thus to win back all the lost seats in QLD. A form of trolling,, in other words. As far as im concerned if the levy does the job of saving us from an Abbott-led government Id be happy to pay five times the current rate. It'd be better if it could be achieved without also putting two fingers up to the Greens, though.
I also like the photo of Tony ordering a pizza.
AAARGH. And when I think how close we came to having this nasty piece of work as our leader ...
WV - emessi
I saw this and shared it with my Townsville family and friends before they lost power. They were suitably amused.
Cyclone Tony.
This one has gone a long way. I was reading a Herald-Sun article about it yesterday with a long comments thread that included the following: 'I apologise to the people of Australia for voting for this fool.' I think even people who like his politics are starting to get appalled by the sheer stupidity of some of his behaviour. And as somebody else pointed out yesterday, the peevish shifting of the blame onto someone else was not a Prime Ministerial look either.
Although I'm extremely pleased we didn't get Abbott as PM, if we had there would have been many moments of black comedy while he struggled cope with anything that needed other than attack dog tactics.
I think one of the reasons he did so well in the election is that he modus operandi works a great deal better in all the colour and movement of an election campaign, than the day by day grind of, y'know, actually governing.
Fine, that sounds right to me. But I think the main reason he did so well in the election is that Julia Gillard is a woman. (I am feeling particularly hopeless and pissed off about such matters at the moment.)
Oh noes Ms. Pav! That could never be the case. We live in a wonderful age of post-feminism. (Passe, old-fashioned, blah, blah, blah).
Door bitch says: "pleas"
As well she might.
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