In which the pond celebrates April Fool's day with a frolic amongst reptile
Happy April Fool's Day ... and more fool the pond for spending it amongst
reptile fools.
These two reptile stories ...
*Ghastly morality of the Gree...
2 hours ago
Well make sure your gifts, wardrobe changes and banter are properly sorted.
"What a fabulous event. I look forward to more of this." should do for three quarters of the occasions. And perhaps the book launch too.
And coming to Melbourne hey? You should get Helen or Laura or someone like that to organise a little drinky with some of the more coherent and less reprehensible bloggistes in town.
Appropriately enough the captcha for this comment is
"empities" which sounds like the empathic mood one achieves after finishing a bottle of plonk.
One good frock, a shawl, some changes of jewellery and comfortable shoes.
I once had four weddings - and yes, a funeral - in six weeks, including two weddings on one day. I founds stimulants and a pair of thongs in my handbag for the cab ride home very helpful.
It sounds a lot like my recent and future schedule PC. The secret is no alcohol in between events, I think.
"The secret is no alcohol in between events, I think."
You fool, you poor mad pitiful fool. Do you have any have any idea how thin the membrane between waking life and...
Oh fuck it. Hands up anyone here who's never had a drink at a wedding, wake, premiere, launch, birth, anniversary, intervention or other life event?
Alcohol was invented to justify these events. And vice versa.
I hope you die of thirst Fine. Or at least in a drinking competition with me.
Mine's three fingers of a Cles des Ducs Armagnac VSOP. Cheers.
Fine said no alcohol between events, Nabs. Presumably during, all bets are off!
Did everyone see Zoe's picture in the Canberra Times on &Ducky's blog?
Zoe, yes, I agree that the change of jewellery in particular is important here, also the shawl. Remember however that one of these events is in Melbourne in the autumn, which means I must pack both my sarong and my snowboots. As for the good frock, my equivalent and default outfit is a series of variations on the theme of Viet Cong black pyjamas in varying grades of 'good', a style that lends itself to the technique of weather-adaptable layering that I perfected when living in Melb.
Nabs, yep, I agree that gifts, threads and chat are the three important things and all are sorted(ish). My attendance at two of these four events is due solely to my having taken up blogging. And anti-bloggers say it reduces your social life. Pfft. I thought about maybe organising a small Melb blogdrink somewhere retro like Jimmy Watson's, but it's only a very short visit, and my dance card is almost full already. Next time. As Helen says, Fine said 'no alcohol between events' which is a not bad idea, but as for at events -- I'll see your Cles des Ducs and raise you a Laphroiag. I have every intention of drinking a very moderate amount (driving) of good wine at all of these events, starting today -- I see Thirdcat has organised Fox Creek wines for her book launch.
(Hope to be blogging same this evening, BTW.)
Blogging's not stuff?
Good point. I should have said 'doing other stuff'.
Oh and Z -- at my age (*leans on Zimmer frame, fluffs blue perm*) I find analgesics even more useful than stimulants, and never go anywhere without them.
Oh, I hear ya, nana.
Neither of us will be wearing the 4 inch pony skin Italian heels anymore either, if my predictive powers are correct.
Well, you don't need them! (Unlike moi.)
Gees, Nabs, Do you think I'm insane? A funeral or a wedding without alcohol?
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