(Actually I've never understood that expression. In my experience dogs tend to be either well or dead. It's not a big liminal zone with dogs.)
Okay so I still think this lergy (see May 30 post) is not swine flu (though how would I know) but it is quite scary and disgusting enough to be going on with, with a couple of spectacularly dramatic symptoms with which I shall not disgust you. I can't actually remember the last time I was this sick but it must have been a bloody long time ago. As you can see I am up and focusing so it's not life-threatening or anything and no I'm not going to the doctor, who will only tell me to do what I'm already doing.
Only an hour and a half till the sun's over the yard-arm and I can have another hot whisky and lemon and ginger and honey, break out a new box of tissues and go back to bed. See you all in quarantine.
Ice baths are popular for exercise recovery and general wellness. But what
does the science say?
Ice baths are an effective way to accelerate recovery after exercise.
However, their general health benefits are less clear.
2 hours ago
From the swine flu capital of Australia.... you're clearly too sick to have swine flu, which seems to be incredibly mild (relative to the panic, especially). Wish I could bring you chicken soup, but whiskey and lemons are probably just as good.
Hope it clears soon.
The yardarm rule doesn't apply to medicinal Scotch. And you have my permission.
You have swine flu. Face your inner porcine position. Clearly this lurgy will have your hide for bacon.
Arr bugger. I hope the cats are looking after you.
Erg, get well soon.
Maybe it's because both dogs and sick people go 'barf'*?
*Actually name of a dog food sold here in Melbourne.
Hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe up the whiskey content until you feel better. I'm sure The Devil Drink would approve.
Hope you are feeling better soon, PC.
A season of Scrubs on DVD is quite good for the days when you feel sort of better but can't quite speak yet.
Hope the snot lifts soon and the aches remove themselves promptly.
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