Trouble in Tyke Town as Polonius goes MAGA ...
Back in the dark ages in this blog, the pond always devoted Sunday to angry
Sydney Anglicans and frock-loving Pellists, not that there's necessarily
11 hours ago
I want one. The rabbit was no help at all with my marking.
That explains some of the more inexplicable marks I have received. Clearly I had not included sufficient references to feline superiority.
astute kitty giving that one the arse effect anyhow.
I am enjoying ThatLadder's accounts of professorial interactions - and they support the Little Britain view of same.
WV = "throti".
Hope this is not relevant. :)
All too relevant, unfortunately. You might want to add 'chesti' and 'sinusi' and 'sneezi' and 'miserable as anything'.
If such cheap memes as lolcatting weren't beneath you, you could slap on that picture in yellow sans-serif lower case -
"Paw work. Feed me after class."
And the WV for this comment is "fectrack" which pretty much sounds like the kinda comment a feline examiner would scribble on a dog of a paper.
That looks extremely familiar. Scout likes to help me proofread theses.
You've probably already seen this
Just getting your attention, to show you this.
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