This time it's not a salutation, it's just a description.
Semaphore Road, 8pm, September 8th 2011.
How countries define climate action in Paris Agreement pledges – and why a
standard format could help assess outcomes
The climate pledges that countries submit to the UN may or may not detail
policy and regulatory measures, making it difficult for researchers.
33 minutes ago
Name for a new blog?
This post, the title and its image are so fucking Springsteen I could spend the rest of the afternoon walking around in a singlet.
Funny you should say that -- I was standing outside the late-night supermarket referred to in this post last night when I took this photo with my trusty iPhone. I dunno what it is about Semaphore and Bruce, but the association is definitely there.
Looks like 'my hometown' on a Wednesday night.
Umm, lesbian and (also) in-bread town-central?
I mean: really?
Let's all pick on west virginia because that's the arse-end of the world ...
Town was packed tonight - as it is every after-work drinks.
err, in-bred.
NotZed, I've got no idea what you're talking about. I took this photo because I thought what I was seeing was beautiful. I think the photo is beautiful. I come from a place called Curramulka, pop. approx 180, and I think that's beautiful too. Is anyone picking on anywhere? I can't see anything in the comments but a lot of Bruce Springsteen fans.
Semaphore is five minutes away from where I live (and NB I'm straight, NTTAWWT and indeed I often wish I were not) and I really like it (because I think it's beautiful, if you missed that bit) and spend a fair bit of time there. I honestly can't work out what you're getting at, unless you have somehow come to the conclusion that I'm Adelaide- bashing, in which case I suggest you buy and read my book Adelaide, coming in three weeks to a bookstore near you.
To clarify, yes, I meant my comment at #2 as high praise.
And maybe to expand a bit: when you think of Springsteen musically, you think of a self-contained, accessible rock 'n' roll song without any ostentatiousness, that still manages poignancy with a basic unassailable integrity. Bit like Adelaide, and I say that as a Sydney boy.
Youtube time!
We visited Semaphore on a sunny weekend in August. Unfortunately we missed out on the lesbians in bread and had to settle for macaroons.
Also, somewhere I have a photo of the darkness on the edge of town, that I took in the parklands some time back and agree about the Springsteen associations.
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