The Blogger platform, which has served me well since I was a beginner blogger in 2005 with no clue at all about what I was doing, has undergone a major revamp and one of the things it now offers is an array of stats -- daily numbers of page views, sources of traffic, search terms and so on. I was able to find out most of these things before from a different stats counter but the Blogger stats are available at one click instead of six plus password so I tend to look at them more often.
One of the numbers I like a lot is the one you'll see if you scroll down to the bottom of this page. I didn't think I'd make 200,000 visitors (I don't think they're unique visitors; the stats counter, which is very basic, doesn't differentiate and I don't care enough to find out, and am in any case more interested in the people who like the blog enough to read it regularly and visit it often) by Sept 13, the third anniversary of this blog, but we're there with two days to spare. It also reminds me that I've been blogging for just short of six years; those stats don't include the previous blog, Pavlov's Cat.
More charming to me still, however, are some of the search terms that have led people, via search engines, to this blog. This week's list includes 'tiny white spider', 'yellow things', 'cat priest', 'sifting sugar' and 'Dumbledore's brother'.
I'm also astonished to see that there have been eleven page views this week of 'Christmas Eve cake post' for December 24 (der) 2009, and can only conclude that Spring must be the time of year when persons better-organised than I start harbouring thoughts of ceremonially whipping up a Christmas cake, to be wrapped in brown paper, put in a tin in the back of the cupboard, and ceremonially brought out and unwrapped once a week from now till Christmas for its regular injection of brandy.
How poor sleep could fuel belief in conspiracy theories
By prioritising good sleep we may be able to boost our ability to think
critically and resist misinformation.
1 hour ago
Oh, good lord, don't tell Best Beloved about that cake... he's bad enough about the puddings.
Happy blog birthday (before I forget on the actual date). It's been a pleasure, consistently.
Oh, yes. So, all this time you have been a cat priest and never said. Selfish. I might have done with your help, given the cat has taken to dragging herself upside down under my nice new leather bed frame by her claws, and me, shouting, unable to get reach her and her just going faster and faster, sliding nicely on her back, her four claws like well oiled pistons,in and out, in and out, as the octaves rise, leaving nice little puncture marks in the very nice leather. There is no mortal solution for it so don't say it. You might as well ask me to cut Taz Devil's claws. It is a halfling from beyond the wall and has no such graces such as submission to temper it. What do you charge for it? The removal of the malignant spirit which haunts her claws the little shit?
Mordscom is the wv, now what be your price?
Thank you very much for your blog too.
Esp the WV's: I have beanglat to have read you these years.
Happy Blogiversary to you. My world has been enriched in ways I never anticipated. I'm sure you have been irritated by terrible grammar in ways you never anticipated either.
Thanks and keep on blogging.
I'm one of your 341.29692833 readers lurking in the cybersphere who eagerly await each post.
200,000 hits divided by 586 posts in 3 years
happy blogversary Dr Cat.
The Feedjit stats are a more interesting read than the posts at my blog.
the tail wagging the dog ... 'trulai', as WV concurs.
Congrats. So your blog's now run as long as WW2 though it's been considerably more uplifting. Full of metione as WV points out.
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