Thursday, June 11, 2009


Papa Cat got carted off to hospital yesterday after some sort of heart attackish thingy. Not very big, but there is some damage. Have spent the last 36 hours walking past and under signs saying Emergency and Resuscitation and Critical Care, writing book reviews in hospital corridor chairs using the Notes application on my iPhone, and sending texts to my sisters saying things like 'Have you got his Gold Card?' and 'I'm in the cafeteria, where are you??!'

Tonight he is, as they say, resting comfortably: under observation in a quiet ward, no surgery or anything. But a doctor saying "I've looked at his ECG's and I didn't like what I saw" is a doctor whose face not even a mother could love.


Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you both. Hope the health issues come to a satisfactory resolution.

But whatever happens - and if my mother is any guide - I'm sure your father is very grateful that you are there for him.


ThirdCat said...

oh, those cafeterias

take care, pc - of yourself and your dad


Barry Leiba said...

Best wishes to Papa Cat from someone on the other side of the world whom neither of you knows. Such is the power of the Internet.

fifi said...

My dad just got outta there,
so I hope yours does too.

My best wishes to him.

Ampersand Duck said...

Oh poo! Not fun for either of you. Best wishes to him, and I hope it doesn't throw you around too much as well.

clarencegirl said...

Best wishes to you and yours. Keep your chin up.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of this - best wishes to both of you. My dad did something similar very recently and we all decided that a cardiologist puzzled for four days is Not A Good Thing.

But things get better - good luck.

TimT said...

Bugger. Best wishes for you and your dad, PC. Hoping for a quick and sure recovery for him.

Anonymous said...

Hope you both get away from the hospital food and the machines that go ping very soon. Whatever you do, avoid the hospital cafeteria quiche.

Zoe said...

good luck Pav and poppacat


Elsewhere007 said...

Oh I'm sorry! How awful. All the best. Hospitals somehow the worst place for sick people.

Mary Bennet said...

Oh no, poor Pav. Trying to think in a hospital cafeteria is so hard. Was there a telly blaring reality shows the whole time?

Hope your father is home safe and sound soon.

Kerryn Goldsworthy said...

Thank youse all for your lovely messages and thoughts. As Barry says, such is the power of the interwebs.

3C, Modbury's cafeteria is not at all bad, surprisingly. St Andrews, not so much. But the latter is much quieter and his own cardiologist consults there. Nonetheless I am avoiding all quiche -- the fresh buttered Balfours cinnamon scroll was more than acceptable after being up for 3 hours with no food, though it did cross my mind that (genetics being what they are and the father being where he was) I should have asked for a lettuce leaf and then gone for a brisk walk round the car park. Mary B, the telly had a live broadcast of Dr Chris O'Brien's state funeral and then Gordon Ramsay being humiliated, so it could have been much worse.

librarygirl said...

Best wishes to you and your Dad.
My own had a stroke in Jan. and was in hospital for 4 weeks. The Gold Card was handed over the first day,went missing, and mysteriously re-appeared on the last day!

Amanda said...

Best wishes, PC and all.

Fine said...

Best wishes to both of you Dr. Cat.

R.H. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cristy said...

Oh dear. Take care PC.

Anonymous said...

Only really writing to say that the word verification is 'dersaint' which must be a good sign. Best wishes. thinking of you.
except that it wouldn't accept my version of dersaint, and now wants vericu

genevieve said...

Oh no. Warm hugs to you both. Take care.

M-H said...

Sorry to read of this drama. Take care.

Mindy said...

Hope things are looking up for you both this evening. Eat whatever makes you feel better.

skepticlawyer said...

What Mindy said.

And look after your dad, and yourself.

Deborah said...

Oh no. Thinking of you and your Dad.

Y'know, we're just up Glen Osmond Rd if you need a break / glass of wine / quick shower / meal / nearby bed for the night / nice cup of tea / sit down in a chair with a cat on your lap. We're about 5 minutes drive from St Andrews.

Kerryn Goldsworthy said...

Deborah, that is a most lovely offer, thank you. I managed to miss the non-turnoff heading east down South Tce today and found myself accidentally heading for the hills, the way one does, so I probably practically drove past your house.

Thanks again to all for solidarity and good wishes. There is now cautious optimism as the cardiologist says that although one scan report is still to come, he's fairly sure it's nowhere near as bad as the initial diagnosis. WV is 'mistenda' which seems more or less accurate in several different interpretations.

Helen said...

Thinking of you, PC. Sorry to hear this.

This old world is a new world said...

WV says it all, just about: mered

Hope all is good news for you and your dad now. (somehow missed this post earlier: mered).

lucy tartan said...

Having been immured with essay marking, and now temporarily on the lam enough to catch up on blogs, I hope it isn't too late to wish your father a quick return to full health.

Kerryn Goldsworthy said...

Ladies, mered indeed, but he is home and much better, indeed fully recovered apart from residual tiredness. I think he mainly got a nasty fright.