Those masters of deflection, distraction and denial, prattling Polonius and
Dame Slap, get to work on King Donald I ...
Seems like everybody's doing it these days ...
It's pretty weird when *even France's far right run for cover* ...
*The French far-right leader Jo...
56 minutes ago
Mmm I was just commenting to Paul that football seemed to be moving faster on racism than it did on sexism... And I didn't actually know the details of the 'racist slur' in question.
It's just offensive on SO MANY levels.
Thank you for, as so often, encapsulating it perfectly.
Wot Tigtog said. Of course.
Nicely said PC. Andrew Johns should just retire from the media.
Years ago, in a fairly deep rural part of NSW, I heard a bushie redneck of our acquaintance describing someone as 'an ankle'.
Thinkaboudit! Thinkaboudit!
An ankle is 'three feet lower than a cunt'.
He was an unregenerate MCP, so the only thing to do was laugh.
Gae, in Callala Bay
I hope Andrew Johns parents, friends, children, work colleagues let him know what a despicable creep he is.
I hope nobody else saw the appalling comment I've just deleted. Anonymous, you are one evil son of a bitch.
It did pop up in my email subscription last night, PC. Blogger's comment moderation options are rubbish, aren't they?
Yeah, they are, and to date I've gone on deciding against moderation because I like the immediacy of comments threads and there is so seldom a problem. But Blogger is so easy (and cheap!) in all other resepcts that I've never been tempted to branch out -- got no aptitude or skillz for the tech/design side of blogging!
The blogs are just as cheap and give you a few more admin options for comment controls with lots of built-in templates so you don't have to design/tech anything. The mechanics of creating actual posts are much the same there.
I've been disturbed how many women I would think of as feminists use cunt as a term of abuse. The other day I was explaining that I don't shop at a particular store because of who owns it. A female friend said "why, is he a cunt". I responded that I wouldn't it compare an abusive, misogynist man to something I rather like.
She started getting angry at me, saying something about how I shouldn't use cunt to describe a woman's anatomy, didn't I know it was a term of abuse. I was about to point her to a few centuries worth of etymology when she got distracted by something.
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