Trump has called time on working from home. Here’s why the world shouldn’t
mindlessly follow
The message is clear: the push to get workers back into the office is being
incorporated into US government policy. Here’s what could be lost.
1 hour ago
Both, I think. I know exactly what you mean about National Velvet.
I loved her comment used on the ABC this morning, along the lines of:
'Like my critics, I don't take myself seriously...'
Oh, I like it. The line of hers I remember best is the one she came up with when being interrogated about having been paid a million bucks for Cleopatra (which IIRC was more than any movie star had ever got for one movie), as though it were somehow reprehensible of her. 'Listen,' she said, or words to that effect, 'if they were stupid enough to offer me a million dollars then I was most certainly not going to be stupid enough to turn it down.'
She is survived by 18 husbands
Actually, I think she buried more than that. She certainly wore out Burton, though he was already doing a pretty good job of wearing himself out.
From the SMH this morning
"A real star in an age of celebrity
Icon will be remembered for her beauty and many marriages."
Yeah, not because she was a really good actress or anything. She was a bit of a looker and married a heap of blokes. What a sheila. *searches for blood pressure meds or small kitten to cuddle*
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