This is the third disgracefully dishonest headline I've seen today.
Bob Brown has written today to Julia Gillard saying how appalled he was by the placards being waved by Tony Abbott's posse of bussed-in flat-earth clowns, and saying that he knows she has 'broad shoulders' but he also knows that this kind of stuff can be hurtful.
How has The Australian reported this online? Under the headline Anti-tax banners 'hurtful' to Gillard.
The clear implication is that Gillard found them hurtful, and said so, and is therefore a wimp, all of which is complete crapola.
Furthemore, they are not in any way 'anti-tax banners'; they are banners saying, and I quote, 'Ditch the witch' and 'Juliar .... Bob Browns [sic] bitch'. This one is written over a crude background sketch of what I presume are supposed to be the flames of hell, in which they presumably want to burn her. I mean, it wouldn't be a picture of the planet going up in flames, would it.
I've got a headline for them: how about Genetic link suspected between the inability to place an apostrophe correctly and the belief that the sun revolves around the earth.
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2 hours ago
I'm appalled by Abbott's tolerance/promotion of the 'bitch' sign by speaking in front of it. He should apologise or resign.
You need a LIKE button on each post you write. I'd be hitting it.
I Second Mr Rennie above.
It's all so low.
How the Liberal Party can think Abbott has any credibility after this defies belief. These are not the actions of someone capable of being Prime Minister. This is school yard bully behaviour.
Did you hear that apparently the Browns Bitch (sic) sign was made by an 11 year old girl? Her dad was so proud!
Any word on what the flames are supposed to mean yet?
What do the flames mean? Ummm, what about "Burn in hell, you b****"?
And that 11 year old girl is perhaps the lovechild of Kevin Andrews and La Bella Mirabella.
burn in hell you atheistic, single, childless b@#$h would be my guess.
Substitute "deliberately barren" for "childless", firstkitten, and I dips me lid to a most eloquent interpretation.
The natsy tone of the so-called rally, really and outdoor meeting of the far right, was carried on in the Parliament by Abbott and his crew. Sick stuff.
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