View from The Hill: tariff rebuff feeds into debate about how Australia
handles Donald Trump
Albanese didn’t mince words in responding to Trump’s refusal to grant an
exemption from the new tariffs. Does it signal a change in how Australians
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3 hours ago
First he wants to sell his arse, now it's a blood pledge. Well as he wishes. A blood pledge is a blood pledge. I don't mind what blood type but he better spill it if he knows what's good for him. As you must also know by now, besides the blood pledge on the floor of the Parliameceum, I want swords, horse battles, Sophie Mirabella on a plate, and an appearance from Jesus. If that's not possible, then Russell Crowe.
Otherwise he will be a liar and we can't trust them.
Did he put it in writing? Is it written in his blood? I'm going to want to see a pledge written in his own blood, preferrably with the bloody stump of a finger, on some really nice paper. I won't say vellum because I kinda think the skin serves a better purpose on the animal, unless Tony Abbott wants to sign a pledge, in his own blood, with the bloody stump of a finger, on a piece of skin carved from his own body. Now that would be a blood pledge. I still wouldn't vote for him though.
I think I must have missed the bit about selling his arse, but it would certainly explain the Speedos. I wonder if the latter will be on public display again soon, now that it's warming up.
Euwwww. A nine-fingered Mr Rabbit, in speedos, using an inkwell full of his own blood to enscribe his signature on a patch of his own skin is NOT a pretty sight. Stop it please.
You know, I'm actually physically worried now about what will happen if Malcolm Turnbull or someone, anyone doesn't take the leadership away from him.
Howcome he gets to keep saying such awful, awful things? (Don't answer that, I already know, and thinking about it makes me cry).
Best wv ever: turfrat
For rlz!
Sorry The Elephant's Child, I hope I haven't put you off eating ever again. I must admit, it is a pretty awful mental image.
A blood pledge? Last weekend's viewing perhaps?
Casey, surely his blood type is B negative
Yes, very, er, rare blood that.
Oh I just knew this blood pledge, or blood oath would be homoerotic in origin.
"The Lydian ceremony involved [blood brothers] nicking their arms with a sharp object and licking the blood off of each other's arms."
Oh I wish he would come to terms with himself.
LOL @ Anthony.
My reaction was the common US rejoinder, "what are you, twelve?" Although that does diss twelve-year-olds, who are delightful.
Wong compared it to "Boys' Own Manual" stuff. She meant Boys Own Annual, a festival of youthful testosterone published around the turn of the century - going to shoot Boers and all that, huzzah!
...The turn of the LAST century, that is.
Penny Wong is a very witty woman. I think she probably did mean 'manual'.
Penny's a lesbian , and she says eeww at spilt bodily fluids? Bloody or otherwise? Meeooww
Wot yoos said.
Blood brothers is pretty serious stuff. From here, a worldofopportunity opens.
You can go to marble swaps, shanghai rubbers,gang up for rock wars against the kids in the next street, even more importantly, the swapping of rolls for capguns, when the injuns attack..
Showing your ignorance there, Anonymous.
Helen: I've always preferred Girls Own stories - think Blyton, Brent-Dyer etc. Nothing like the antics of jolly lacrosse sticks Fourth Formers!
Just posted off a pack of Bandaids to Bloody Abbott - with instructions eg. use one to cover the prick from which the blood will emerge to enable the blood pledge to be written (in full view of sympathetic journalists), and to use the rest to cover his mouth in case he makes any more stupid statements.
Kerryn, the arse-selling bit was apparently an aside in a shadow cabinet meeting about the lengths he would've been prepared to go to to gain power after the last election. (I can't imagine there would've been any takers, but still.)
Kind of puts his lust for power into perspective.
Oh how very attractive. I wonder how a certain gay friend of his and mine feels about him positing arse-selling as the most extreme and repulsive lengths one could possibly go to. (I'm sorry, I would have liked to have put that another way.)
Emily, I hope you've sent a pallet of bandaids - you'd need them to cover a prick like Abbott.
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