View from The Hill: tariff rebuff feeds into debate about how Australia
handles Donald Trump
Albanese didn’t mince words in responding to Trump’s refusal to grant an
exemption from the new tariffs. Does it signal a change in how Australians
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3 hours ago
Thank you, and thanks to Lucy Sussex.
Talk about double standards. And who wins the day? Moral righteousness or calling a spade a spade?
Well, it was just the tonic for me yesterday morning when I saw it, so were some of the other excepts.
I'd convicted myself as the greatest fraudster of all time but after watching some of this, I thought of Prospero's qualifier to Miranda;
"Thou art new to it..".
OK to shame anyone - even Alan Jones - for homosexuality? I disagree. That wasn't commensurate with Chopper being a murderer. Although I have no brief for either of these unpleasant people.
I don't know that he was being shamed for homosexuality. I think he was being shamed for hypocrisy and stupidity.
I remember seeing Chopper on Elle McFeast's show. He'd got really pissed in the Green Room, and she had a look of sheer terror on her face - an "Oh fuck! What have I done?" kind of look.
Homosexual dalliance around public dunnies is a well-known nuisance and a poor show for kids. The underground dunny outside Coles in Elsternwick got so bad that after about 1000 arrests the police ordered it closed down and filled in.
I thought for a moment and wondered if people haven't forgotten how overpowering and all pervasive Packer TV was at the height of its dominance.
I avoided Nine precisely because the sort of knowingly offensive sometimes sadistic bear-baiting antic, on this occasion pulled by Kerry Anne Kennerly, with its toxic underlying psychic rapist ideology.
Scripted for the stomach-turning heroinics of Kennelly at the end, raised to a sort of Orwellian Big Sister level as the proles surged forward, slavering in adoration at the electronic image beaming down from the subway wall.
So easy wasn't it?
Drag a on a notorious representation of late 'nineties Boganesis, needle him in to a predictable knee jerk reaction, while the misanthropic little grub responsible is cosseted and "heroed", redeemed in the majesty of the avenging faux celestial Tooth Fairy's "intervention".
The antic, actually constructed to deter a boondoggle audience from ever again daring scepticism of any right wing media megaphones, is reinforced in the consigning the blue collar Minotaur- and gays- back to the furthest darkest reaches of the dark subterranean tomb from which these had briefly emerged..
Yes well it bothers me, the clip is pretty funny, Read is a funny bloke, yet as someone who grew up in the same "old school" Prahran with him and graduated through Pentridge I think he could have said what he did to Alan Jones on the quiet. It was wrong to humiliate him. The show's producers did a good job of it themselves, putting in scenes of police raiding a public toilet.
They'll act innocent of course, everyone acts innocent, everyone's a crook.
Sorry no. I dont get it. Jones insulted Read first, why should Read have to apologise before Jones?
Thanks squire, I've no idea what you're talking about. What insult? Who says anyone should apologise?
Hatch this: For years I've been an admirer of Hal Porter: his life, his work, now I find out he was a paedophile. What should I do?
Is being a homo or a paedophile or a bloke who only showers twice a year reason to ignore everything else that he is? I've no brief for homos but I don't say that's the whole person, I'm not that stupid.
Ahem: enough now, I think. Not to be escalating. This is a respectable family blog!
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