Those masters of deflection, distraction and denial, prattling Polonius and
Dame Slap, get to work on King Donald I ...
Seems like everybody's doing it these days ...
It's pretty weird when *even France's far right run for cover* ...
*The French far-right leader Jo...
50 minutes ago
I had to look at that photo thre or four times before what puzzled me about was revealed.
I know its a photo op shot but Gillard is putting her books on a shelf - herself. Not her PA or deputy or faction leader of the NSW Right, but Gillard herself. Common touch? Womanly touch? OR just an unconscious moment of well the books have to go on a shelf and so...
Can't say I can recall previous PMs doing anything other than Prime Ministerial serious things in their office.
Sad to tell, Bernice, I think it was probably for the cameras. The placement of the Doggies scarf and footy certainly was and I think it was all part of the same event.
Still, a nice touch as you say. She's a Libran, so I expect flowers. (Sorry, couldn't resist!)
Oh my god! Awesome!
That's all.
I can't see the Doggies scarf or the footy in this shot...but I like to think the placing of the books upon the shelf indicates the nesting habits we readers feel very much at home with. You know, like, here I am in my new space and now I have the great pleasure of putting out my books.
Ms Tartan -- I know!!!!!
By their books shall ye know them
PRIME Ministerial Imprimatur!
Thou art vindicated!
Lucy, perhaps -- although I don't think any of us have felt in any particular need of vindication at any point. (Who were you thinking of in particular? I know everyone in Melba thinks of Craven, but honestly, nobody west of Ballarat or north of Shepparton much cares, especially these days.) It's always the case that a handful of squeaky wheels more interested in self-expression than in the actual project will get all the attention, and in the meantime the sales and reprints and prizes quietly stack up.
What a difference a day makes: a photo op shot of Julia decorating her office and a cartoon about Julia decorating her office.
Fred: and your point is ...?
Do I need to explain the difference?
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